After about five minutes of looking around the basement with her flashlight, Aidyn found what appeared to be the perfect hiding spot for her: a small shelf that went around the top of the basement where several boxes were stored. She was just small enough to fit on the shelf. It would have been a better spot had she been small enough to fit behind the boxes, but there was no way that anyone would be able to do that, as most of the boxes were already touching the wall and still stuck out over the edge of the shelf. Luckily for Aidyn, there was enough supplies around the room to construct a makeshift step-stool so that she could reach the ledge and pull herself up. She dragged a chair over and set two boxes on it, using a third box to climb up onto the chair with the boxes on it. From there, it was a simple jump to grab the ledge and pull herself up. Unfortunately, the jump itself caused the chair and boxes to tip over, spreading out in a mess. Hopefully no one thought that that was suspicious, considering the rest of the room wasn't that much neater than where she had jumped up, but she wiggled down the ledge to the next set of boxes just in case. Then, she prepared herself to wait, reaching into her bag and pulling out her Nintendo DS to play some Pokemon until she heard people come closer. The volume of the system was all the way down of course, so there was no way that they would be able to hear it, and she could always close it before they could see the light. There was just no way that she would be able to sit there for however long it took her friends to find her. Sitting still had always been a problem for her after all.