Name: Kevin Jason Walton (Goes by: KJ) Age: 18 Gender: Male Orientation: Hetero Position in Band: Bass Instrument: [Hider=The Thunder!][IMG][/IMG][/Hider] Personality: Doesn’t say a whole lot keeps to himself. Very loyal to his band mates. Has a sarcastic wit. Lives for “Showtime”! Favorite Bands: Bruce Springsteen & The E. St Band, Supertramp, The Doobie Bros. Van Halen Hobbies/Skills: KJ loves running, reading murder mysteries, writing, and of course playing The Thunder Job: Dishwasher at “Mario’s” Bio: Kevin was born to an upper class family. Dad is a computer software developer and mom owns 2 posh restaurants. KJ is the youngest of three children he has an older brother and an older sister. Both of whom are in college where his brother Eric is getting ready to be drafted into the NFL, and his sister Leigh is a year away from going into Law School. Kevin was always a “unique” child. Very unfocused and just willing to be on his own. However he always demonstrated a love of music. His parents figured let him go to the music store and pick something out. At the age of 10 he picked out a bass guitar, and this was all he needed. Kevin was suddenly focused and driven to develop his skills. Kevin knew this was what he wanted to do with his life. Kevin’s desire to be a musician has created some tension within his family. His parents want him to go to college in case the “music thing” (as they call it) doesn’t work out (Which by the way they're hoping it doesn't, because they feel this is beneath them). However they support him begrudgingly and they are willing to indulge him for now. Unbeknownst to Kevin his grandmother fully supports him, and she is far wealthier than Kevin's parents. The reason his parents support him is that his grandmother has said if Kevin’s parents don’t support him they’re out of the will. Kevin’s parents don’t realize it, but Kevin is now the executor of his grandmother’s will. Kevin feels that his band is on their way, and views his band mates as his family. Appearance: [Hider=KJ][IMG][/IMG][/Hider]