After being hauled for a whole night to wherever the bloke carrying her was heading to, Sakura was dropped on the ground as the human fell asleep. The rest of the night, or better said dawn and most of the morning, was pretty uncomfortable for the young dragon and it ensured enough rage to build up inside her to blow apart a whole village. When the human finally woke up, he seemed to have forgotten about his cargo and peacefully ate, which managed to anger Sakura even more, if that was even possible. As soon as he made motions to remove her muzzle, Sakura prepared herself to let off steam. [i]Oh, how he's gonna get it now![/i] His removal of the bag in front of her mouth resulted in Sakura taking a long breath and then exhaling it while ranting: "What the heck where you thinking, stupid human! Carrying me around like this is extremely unworthy of my existence. On top of that it's racist! Also, you just kidnapped me here! Without asking! I have a mother there who will be worried sick about me! And Mori's waiting for me. He wanted to go adventuring with me! He was looking forward to that for ages now, poor Mori... Nevermind... what about me?! What the heck do you want from me!? Why do you have to disturb my peaceful life!? I realize a dragon like me is a precious thing to possess, but... I won't be someone's pet or something!" She stuck out her tongue and huffed just to be totally and awkwardly quiet again.