Basic Info Name: Glanthiir Alias: Age: 174 Birth Place: Valenwood Birth Sign: Thief Race: Bosmer Class: Ranger Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: None Properties: None Affiliations: The Aldmeri Dominion Afflictions: Religion: Arkay Family: None that he is aware of. Personality General: Like all elves, Glanthiir has a great respect and appreciation for nature. He is kind, does not mind taking the time to explain or teach what another does not know. Due to his age however, he is somewhat egotistical and thinks of those around him, adults in technicality, as children and occasionally treats them as such. Positive Traits: Patient, he has no issue with waiting in one position for hours in order to get whatever it is that he may be after. He also has no problem working with less experienced men. Negative Traits: Has no patients for those that refuse to learn the errors of their ways and accept what must be done. Fears: Situations that he can not escape from. Quirks: Twirls arrows in his right hand when he has nothing to do. Appearance Height: 4’11” Weight: 118 lbs Build: Slender Hair Length: Shoulder-length Hair Color: Brown Facial Hair: None Eye Color: Brown Gear Armor: Leather Armor underneath a hooded cloak. Weapons: Forsworn Bow with Orcish arrows. Items: Healing potions and stamina potions. History/Biography: TBD