[b]Charlotte[/b] Oh, twelve. Oh certainly. She was clearly just twelve years old that obviously explained why she was involved in something like this. And her hat got knocked off when she was put down, how completely irritating. Charlotte huffed as the girl checked her body over for injuries. Even if she had been hurt, and she was certain she hadn't been, anything she could have sustained would likely have healed just from her passive healing magic cast all through her body... "I could make more crows, but I need time and you just-" and before her explanation could be continued she found herself roughly shoved onto the ground. At least this time it was to avoid something fairly serious, such as a great screaming ball of fire flying over their heads. Well, Ember was definitely at it again, and it looked like Charlotte's 'savior' was in trouble. Midnight Shield was useful, but in this case she couldn't get into a good position to use it... With a sigh, Charlotte sat on her knees and reached into a pocket. "You really should believe me," she began, rather casually in spite of the situation. The small girl drew a very, very sharp knife... and grabbed a lock of hair from her head. In one swift motion she severed it. "Even the earth is twisted to my will," she said, holding the hair out in front of her. It was simply a part of spell-casting, she had to say these words for it to work. "The plant life answers my sacrifice!" Charlotte dropped her hair to the ground in front of the girl who had grabbed her... and tiny vines reached through the surface to snatch up the hair and drag it down... And then an immense wall rose, thorned vines interlacing themselves to create a barrier almost instantly, tearing their way through the ground. They were black, the insides a neon shade of green. They were also quite alive, moist and fleshy and rather difficult to set alight. It wouldn't be hard to get around, it was only a small bramble wall, but it would certainly block the pyrokinetic from trying to toast them. Charlotte rose to her feet, smiling brightly. "There. That should take care of that for a bit," she said. The lock of hair she'd cut away was already regrowing... regenerative healing cast on oneself was useful for other reasons, aside from making sure that you don't die. "Now you might rank very high on my list of completely foolish people, but..." She turned to face the other girl. "Let me see that shoulder while we have the chance."