[img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/107/4/b/twokinds_world_map_by_twokinds-d4wjhd0.jpg] Welcome to the world of Two Kinds. This by far is my favorite comic series and I've been wanting to do a RP on this for quite sometime. I was involved in the one that took place on the old website. Link to [url=http://twokinds.keenspot.com/archive.php?p=1]comic[/url] For this roleplay you can play as one of three races. Human Keidran *has multiple subspecies ie canine, fox, forest wolf, snow wolf, feline, tiger, and other unmentioned ones to. Basitin * two subspecies eastern and western IC info: its based around the same time as the comic though you won't be running into any of the main characters I want there to be conflict between the races *ie small skirmishes, slave trade, full scale battles. For the purpose of this roleplay all of a characters have a common language. For the plot I'm thinking of either two things 1. A war is bought ready to break out between the Keidrans and Humans and its up to the players to either further it or help stop it. 2. a classic adventure roleplay, sandbox stlye. I would like to have a Co-Gm who also has knowledge on this comic series. And the plot is entirely changeable. People who are interested and definitely will join can help shape the plot to what they agree on.