Yo, reserving this spot. [hider=CS]Biographical Section Name: Laenaia Erltana Age: 20-ish (Maybe older, maybe younger). Race: Vampire Sex: F (…maybe) Appearance: (Closest approximation) [img=http://cdn.tw4.jp/i/tw4/basic/2302/143346_d23026_bu.png] Homeland: Wanderer History: For as long as she remember Laenaia has been living on the road, moving from time to time for one reason or another. Together with her being a vampire, this lead to a hard life and adopting a mostly reserved clothing during the day (like a thick cloak or wide hat, maybe both), although she may wear other clothing during the evening or in-door. She often found patronage in upper class societies wherever she go or whenever she went along with a merchant caravan, given that she manage to keep her status as a vampire initially as the people were usually wary or even downright hostile when they discover it soon after meeting, although they tend to be more...tolerant after awhile. Things weren't always kind, as several times hunters and Templars had hunted her. Several times she managed to escape, but one time, the Templars had come close to killing her, only for her to be saved by the local crime lord that introduced himself as Alexander Bishop. In return for the help, Laenaia agreed to work for the man, especially since they both shared a common dislike against the Papacy and Templarate, although for a different reason. The work she did in the Underworld served its purpose, as on top of having places she could fall back on and some training on doing dirty work, she had gained a number of 'friends' and contacts that she could rely on during her travel. Motivation: Something smelt nice this way....Of course, she said it differently and was more in line of "Demon infestation isn't good for me either." Stats & Traits Strength: 2 /10 Agility: 4/10 Charisma: 4 /10 Magical Endurance: 4/10 Seducer: 5/10 Sneak: 3/10 Mage: 2/10 --Illusion Experience Traits --Faceless One. --Charming Rogue. --Hypnotic Eyes Conditions --Vampiric Bloodline, Diana's Brood --Underworld Contracts. --The Wanderer. Unique --Fleeting Flesh, Reflective Blood: A condition where upon ingesting the blood or a certain amount of hair (and liquids) from other person, Alisa would then start taking the outward appearance of the source. Alisa had very limited control of when this happen. As an effect of extended and continuous use of this trait when she was a child, Alisa's mind also warped, being as fickle as her body, her mind is easier to be influenced using mind related magic [illusion, charm, etc] be it her own or other, however, this fickleness also cause said effect to might suddenly loose its hold over her mind. Personal Section Romance: Ehhhh. Play style: 1) Do you prefer action-oriented missions, or more dialogue heavy ones? Don’t mind either way 2) Do you prefer a more linear progression or having choices? Choices 3) Complex missions, or straightforward ones?Complex Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: ????? Signature: This user, Alphakoka, hereby sells the soul and life of this character to the GM of this RP for the permission to attend and involve myself in this game. Standard rules and agreement applied.[/hider]