[center][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/32140351/large.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Alyssa Grey [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Alyssa is a calm relaxed girl. She dosen't like problems, nor to start them. But if people wanna start problem with her, she could simply solve it. Alyssa dosen't like people to be screaming, when she is right next to that person. Other then that, she likes to have fun and see the world. She is very adventurous and really brave for a girl like her. Alyssa is a sweet girl, respectful and kind towards others. She likes to be respected and she will do the same to those that respect her. She also cares about others more then she does herself. Alyssa is shy around people, group of people. [b]Biography:[/B] Alyssa was just a small girl and living as an orphan. Her parents died just when she was a little girl. Alyssa didn't have no more family members so she had to be sent to an orphanage. As she was growing up, in her teen years, she decided to get a job as a waitress in a cafe. It was all perfect and normal to her because she could get to live like normal teenagers...till that night. Alyssa decided to go to the forest, alone, mainly because it was the way for her to go to her foster's house. As she was walking she heard noises from the back. Suddenly a guy attacked her bitting her neck and was left there for the whole night. And then Alyssa woke up at her foster's house and in her bedroom. And thats when she was turned into a Vampire. She hated it and all she wanted to do was hunt down the guy who did this to her. [b]Side:[/b] Renegade [b]Trial number:[/b] 1 [b]Other:[/b]Alyssa has a normal teenager job at a Cafe.[/center]