Drake was in the local venue behind the scenes tuning his favorite guitar he called The Queen. She was his parts-o-caster tele. He hand wired the filtertron pickup she had, and found all the parts. She had his blood and sweat in her. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes when he was finished and whipped out his zippo and lit up taking a long drag filling his lungs with the sweet poison before puffing it out in the innocent air. He made his way to the front of the stage to rig up his Orange amps and make sure his whole rig was set and ready. He had asked his manager to book this venue for months and they had finally gotten it after all the begging. He looked out into the open wooden floor that would hopefully be filled in a matter of 30 minutes. This was going to be one of the shows to remember. And hopefully sell enough of their homemade t-shirts to get some gas money to get back home. He felt a smirk grow on his face just looking at the surroundings getting himself overwhelmed with excitement.