[b][u]Basic Info[/u][/b] Name: Ana Alias: N/A Age: 37 Birth Place: Bruma, Cyrodiil Birth Sign: The Ritual Race: Nord Class: Crusader Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Marital Status: Single Properties: Priory of the Nine, Cyrodiil Affiliations: Knights of the Nine Afflictions: N/A Religion: The Nine Family: All Deceased [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] General: Positive Traits: Patient, Cautious, Compassionate Negative Traits: Stubborn, Zealous Fears: Spiders, Mice, Deserts Quirks: Unable to stand still for more than a few minutes. [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] Height: 5'11 Weight: 158 Build: Muscular Hair Length: Cut straight over the shoulders. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Ice Blue [b][u]Gear[/u][/b] Armor: Armor of the Crusader Weapons: Sword and Bulwark of the Crusader Items: Various amulets to the Divines, healing vials [b][u]Spells[/u][/b] Vampire's Bane Heal Other Repel Undead Circle of Protection Stendarr's Aura Close Wounds Mara's Gift [b]History/Biography:[/b] Born in the wintry city of Bruma, home to the Nords of Cyrodiil, Ana was brought up by an Imperial mother and Nordic father, the latter of whom instilled the traditions of his people into her. One of the largest traditions was the reverence and worship of the Hero-God Talos, which she took a bit too seriously. This was, of course, forbidden by the White-Gold Concordant, which both her parents resented and refused to comply with, if not openly. She had a fairly normal childhood, filled with tails of Nordic heroes, ancient Imperials that fought for justice, and of daedra hunting paladins. Ana began to idolize these heroes, dreaming of being like them. But, from what her father told her, the Legion was no place for heroes. It was just a group of paid mercenaries who sat around and acted important. And she believed him, as she usually did. The Bruma guard was no better, in her eyes, as they may as well have been just another extension of the Imperial Legion. So, at the age of just sixteen, she set out in search of one of the few heroic groups she could knew would still be around: The Knights of the Nine. The holy warriors that defeated the Ayleids, and reformed during the Oblivion Crisis to destroy the daedric elf, Umaril, forever. After searching for weeks in the West Wealds, Ana finally found the Priory. The once humble chapel and house had been transformed into a grand fortress, housing a small army of knights, priests, and healers. Despite the orders of the Thalmor and the Empire, the Knights had not abandoned worship of the Nine, and had broken off all ties with the Empire. The Thalmor had ignored them, believing the small force to be no threat, and had not wanted to start another war by wiping out a sect of holy warriors. For four years, she was a simple squire with the knights, following around her master and aiding him whenever possible. Many of the other squires only served for one or two years; however, her master, Sir Caius, believed Ana to be too prone to outbursts and quick to put the sword to non-believers. This was proven several times over when she would come near to blows with agents of the Thalmor. But, as all must, she was allowed to choose her own path, and was finally knighted and allowed to work on her own. To the relief of her former mentor, much of her early knighthood was spent in study and training. Ana worked hard to hone her body and mind, forcing away what little was left of her baby fat and educating herself in the healing magics of Arkay, Stendarr, and Mara. Unfortunately, this did nothing to cool her temper any, nor blunt her resolve. After two years of remaining in and around the Priory, she set out on her own for several months. The other knights were unsure of her location, or even of her deeds over the next few years, and the few times she returned to the Priory she spent it in prayer and reflection. However, as the years went by, she began to gain more sway within the knights, and each time she left the Priory, more and more left with her. At the age of twenty-eight, one year after the Oblivion gates opened once more on Tamriel, Ana led a raid on the daedric shrine to Molag Bal. The raid interrupted a vampiric ritual to the Prince of Domination, and led to the deaths of the entire cult, with minimal losses to the knights. Ana herself took a hammer to the shrine, reducing it to little more than rubble. Over the next few years, Ana lead the majority of the Priory against two more shrines, one to Boethiah and another to Dagon. However, on the second raid, the shrine to Dagon was deep in a cave, fortified and guarded by mages and daedra. The shrine was destroyed, the daedra banished, and the cult put to the sword, but the Knights too significant losses. Nearly half the numbers taken were killed, and only one-fourth remained in the safe in the Wealds. Ana lead the remains of her knights back to the Priory after personally giving each of the fallen their rites. For her leadership and bravery, the Lord Crusader of the Knights of the Nine stepped down, allowing her to step up to the head of the Order. She proudly donned the armor and weapons of the Crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake, and set to rebuilding the Order. Members from every race flocked to the Knights: Farmers, beggars, former soldiers, men and women from every walk of life came to the Priory and swore their allegiance to the Nine. However, Ana knew that this would not be enough, and that these people would not be prepared enough for when the daedra pushed out in full. So, she turned, hesitantly and disgustedly, to the Empire, the only people she knew of with the resources and the army to aid her. Or, more accurately, for her to aid.