[CENTER][U][B]Stairway To Heaven[/b][/u][/center] “Forgive me my King, but The Transcending will kill you,” said High Magnus Tranyen Highspire. “Even with myself, and the surviving Mages of our kin, harnessing that much magic could split this planet in two.” “We have to try, nonetheless,” replied Falrir, swirling a goblet of human wine as he sat on his throne. “It will not be long before our enemies are upon us, and we are finally relieved of our divine duty.” “Of course, High King, but there is hope for us, without the need to risk so much,” pleaded Tranyen, kneeling down and clutching his staff with trembling hands. “The Transcending will not work.” “Tell me of this hope you speak of,” shot Falrir, growing quickly impatient with his old friend. “The Humlon have landed not far north of here; they are a good people, who have bled beside us a hundred times. Together, we may be able to beat back the Lorenvolk and those other monsters.” Falrir shook his head, and sighed. “The Humlon are strong warriors behind high walls, but I have little use for them in the field of battle. We are a depleted peoples, and the Humlon will only be able to bolster us so much. Out right war will be our end – I must ascend to The Thousand Heavens, and speak to the Seven Lords and the Seven Ladies.” “Heresy sire, The Quiet One will surely see this in poor light, and cast you-“ “I am aware of the risks. Our all-powerful father has abandoned us, and our creators remain absent. I must know why, I have to try.” With great pain obscuring his otherwise beautiful features, High Magnus Tranyen Highspire relented with a prolonged sigh. “Very well, my King, I will initiate The Gathering.”