[quote]The Cuy'val Dar were a group of one hundred individuals summoned by Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, to come to the watery world of Kamino to train clone troopers for the Galactic Republic. Of these one hundred males and females, seventy-five were Mandalorians like Fett, and in the Mandalorian language Cuy'val Dar translated as "Those Who No Longer Exist"—a name stemming from the need for these individuals to disappear to Kamino without contact with the outside galaxy due to the secrecy surrounding the developing Grand Army of the Republic. For close to ten years, these one hundred training sergeants trained the Grand Army's ten thousand clone commandos up until their deployment at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, which sparked the galactic Clone Wars. With their contract up, many of the Cuy'val Dar trainers went back to their lives, but a small number continued professional relations with the Republic, returning to train further generations of clones on Kamino, and later cross-training standard clone soldiers with commando skills.[/quote] [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs50/PRE/f/2009/259/a/7/Keldabe_Kiss_by_Daennika.jpg] Name: Cin'ciri Reem (formerly Mia) Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 28 Homeworld: Claims [i]Manda'yaim[/i], but she was born on Galidraan Profession: Mercenary Appearance: EDITING Armored in white with light purple markings (above image) Personality/bio: Fiesty, slender, and manipulative Mia can be very aggressive physically, and very aggressive sexually. Raised in the palace of a wealthy Republic Governor of Galidraan, she is used to getting what she wants. She enjoy holding a bit of power over others. Mia loves being the center of attention and being the star of the show, she was spoiled as a child and is an entertainer by nature. She has seventeen years of dance, and is a professional dancer. Being physically fit, she has a body most male species would find attractive, and she uses that to her advantage. She is a professional singer and actress as well. Mia has starred in many theater productions. Her rich father paid for her education and hired some of the best private teachers and instructors in the Republic to provide her the greatest education. She is very intelligent, and a talented writer. Mia's mother died when she was young, and her father never remarried, being lost in his work at being Governor. She felt like a caged bird, and a diamond in the rough, her father kept a tight leash and she was rarely allowed outside the castle walls. Mia believes in true love, and wished for hero to rescue her, though she only wanted love, not the wealthy lifestyle she had been given. Mia rebelled when she was sixteen and made regular visits to sneak outside the castle walls. She did not like what she saw, her father ruled Galidraan with an iron fist and employed the ruthless Mandalorians known as the Death Watch to enforce his laws. Her father taxed the population into great planetary depression and the people suffered harshly. Those who opposed the governor were mare examples of and brutally murdered and tortured by the Death Watch. A rebellion was formed and the True Mandalorians were hired to put down the opposition. It was during this time when the True Mandalorians fought against the rebels, a young Mandalorian supercommando by the name of [i]Naur Reem[/i] was out on patrol when he caught Mia sneaking outside the palace walls and near the encampment of the True Mandalorians. She was curios and the two flirted, and he invited her to his tent for a few drinks. The two had sex, even though she was sixteen and he was twenty-six it was perfectly acceptable in Mandalorian culture and he thought she looked older and more mature for her age. It was said she punched him in the face on that night in the tent, but [i]Reem[/i] claimed it was during a battle with the enemey when asked by a fellow soldier. Mia returned and it was discovered she was sixteen and the Governor's daughter to which [i]Reem[/i] insisted they forget about the encounter, yet Mia continued to sneak out and visit, taunting the Mandalorian, though he insisted their physical relationship was over as she was too close to the job since her father had hired the True Mandalorians. The Governor had the Death Watch massacre innocent civilians in response to their insurrection. He also informed the Jedi Council that a group of Mandalorians were murdering "political activists." The Jedi came and slaughtered the True Mandalorians to which only few survided, to include Fett, Silas, and [i]Reem[/i]. The three were handed over to the Governor and he sold them into slavery. When Mia found out her secret lover was gone she was devastated. She continued with her studies and dance as her father forced it upon her. Three years later [i]Reem[/i] returned to Galidraan with Fett and Silas to exact revenge upon the Governor. Fett gave the Governor an ultimatum his life or the location of the Death Watch leadership, and Fett headed for the Death Watch. [i]Reem[/i] offered Mia a choice to leave the planet, and she left with the three Mandalorians. They helped Fett finish the Death Watch leadership, and [i]Reem[/i] adopted Mia into Clan [i]Reem[/i] naming her [i]Cin'ciri[/i], meaning snow after the snow-capped Galidraan mountains where he found her. He took her to [i]Manda'yaim[/i] as a student to began training her as a mandalorian. She learned to shoot, hunt, fish, and learned all the necessary skills as a warrior teaching her to use unarmed combat. [i]Naur[/i] trained her in the Traditions of the True Mandalorians and taught her using years of experience as a supercommando. [i]Naur[/i] trained [i]Cin'ciri[/i] in combat medicine as was his specialty. She learned [i]Mando'a[/i], how to play the [i]bes'bev[/i], a mandalorian battle flute. and how to play [i]meshgeroya[/i] (bolo-ball), which she became good at. [i]Naur[/i] also taught her the marshal art of Teräs Käsi. [i]Cin'ciri[/i] wanted [i]Naur[/i] as a lover, but he insisted she was family now and adamantly viewing their relationship as father-daughter. She called him Naur'buir. and he called her [i]Cin'ciri'ika[/i]. Over the next five years, [i]Naur[/i] worked as a mercenary with [i]Cin'ciri[/i] as his partner. Finally [i]Cin'ciri[/i] passed her [i]verd'goten[/i] that proved her right as a Mandalorian. [i]Naur[/i] began to take on bounty hunter contracts for crime-lords of Coruscant's underworld, and became a Hutt enforcer so he could be near his real family which he had failed. He was arrested twice for breaking into his ex-wife's home and threatening her boyfriend, and he was imprisoned for violating a restraining order. At this time [i]Cin'ciri[/i] went out on her own taking mercenary contracts and moving back to [i]Manda'yaim[/i] working out of [i]Keldabe[/i]. It wasn't until she received a call from [i]Naur[/i] saying he had a job offer from Fett as an instructor. He had recommended her as skilled warrior who had what it takes to train cloned soldiers for the Republic. The catch would be living a new life would be living a new, secret life on Kamino and she would have to disappear, but [i]Cin'ciri[/i] gladly took the job and followed [i]Naur[/i] to be one of Fett's [i]Cuy'val Dar[/i] sergeants. EDIT - unfinished