[b] Rainmaker's Team [/b] Locust screeched at Blast Girl slammed him in the face with her chest plate. His head smacked back and he blindly slashed with his claws, one scoring a shallow but long cut along Blast Girl's now exposed torso. He barely had time to recover before he was smacked into a wall by Gabriel's beams, his exoskeleton now cracked in multiple places and leaking green blood. Locust screeched mightily, in a bid to distract his assailants. Then he hocked another blob of acidic spit at the ceiling above him. This blob was much more potent and began eating away at the ceiling instantly. His back opened and great insectoid wings appeared to lift him above the ground. He said, "It's been fun, but I'm taking my leave heroes." He flew upward at high speed at the melting patch of the ceiling, wings beating desperately to carry him in escape. Strong and dangerous as he was, evidently he knew when he was in a losing situation. [b] Pariah's victims [/b] Ember sighed as the bramble wall appeared in front of her blocking her fiery assaults. She cursed, "Magic. I hate magic." She sent a fireball at the wall and set it on fire, but it'd be a while for it to burn away. She looked around and saw that most of her team had been incapacitated along with many henchmen. On the upside most of the heroes had been knocked out as well save for the more sturdy trainees. She saw that Bastion was holding her ground for now and she decided to take out the witch and the speedster while she had the chance. She saw Morph flitting about and raised her hands, sending out a blast of flame that encircled him. The ring of fire trapped Morph and kept him from doing anything. His amorphous skin started misting from the heat. He suddenly changed back into a human but he was still trapped. Ember smiled in satisfaction. She got the attention of a dozen henchmen, "Four of you set up lanes of fire around the wall and shoot at them if they try to break cover. I'll deal with them myself. And the rest of you get working on freeing the team and keeping that blob under guard," Suddenly Ember changed. Her body became wreathed in flame and her clothes and skin seemed to melt away to be replaced by bright fire. A feminine shape and two white eyes were all that suggested the flame was human. Ember rose in the air and advanced on Charlotte's and Rolling Girl's position. She started flinging fireballs around their position and said, "Don't make me come over there and fry you. Come on out and you'll be spared a trip to the doctor."