Azure's ears flickered as he sneezed again, tail lashing to keep his balance atop the ladder he was perched on. He was happy to be taking care of the books in the bookstore but dusting had a price. He held in another sneeze as he finished with the row he was on. The small brown-haired neko stepped down off the ladder, moved the ladder to his last row and started again. He had gotten up a few hours ago and after dressing in jeans and a purple sweater with a stitched black heart on it, he ate an apple for breakfast then set off to the bookstore. It had been early still so the streets were not crowded and the neko didn't have to take his other route to his job. Dusting now done he set the duster behind the counter then sat there idly kicking his legs as he watched out the front window. The streets were beginning to fill as more and more people got on with their day. He didn't mind them in the bookstore, where he could watch from a safe distance.