Ah... Yantar, never before had Rickard seen such a wretched hive of scu- wait. Nope. Just more of the Russian landscape, sickly trees, dead grass. A few breaking down buildings as well. Rickard was currently in one of said buildings, taking a look at his PDA. The message had given him some sort of beacon, showing exactly where this 'Bunker' was supposed to be. It was five hundred meters away, to his surprise. "That close?" he asked himself, speaking out loud for no reason. Still, he was ahead of schedule and had no reason to rush. He quickly began scavenging for supplies. Okay, so scavenging wasn't the right term, it was more like tearing shit apart looking for a can of beans or two. Still, anyone with a keen eye would find something. Really, how the hell was there still stuff, just hidden out from sight? Surely he wasn't the only one who had come through here, evidence of the already opened shelves and cabinets of this two story motel building. Was there some Scrap Fairy who went around to all the houses and sprinkled random crap about the place for people to find? Not like he was complaining or anything. After rummaging about for roughly thirty minutes, he had come up with quite a haul. He looked through the stuff. An old Nokia cellphone, didn't work, but people always liked electronics. Three cans of peaches, which were a huge score! And lastly, a silver necklace that might have belonged to a well endowed woman according to the pictures. He eventually decided on not taking the photos, even if some men out there were rather lonely. Of course, just as he was about to leave, he heard a loud thump, just outside the room he was in. He froze. Only because of instincts etched into him did he reach down slowly, bringing the Uzi at his side up to bear. Something banged against the door once more, visibly smashing into it. He jumped, unable to control himself. "Uh... go away, please?" Suddenly, whatever was out there roared, now doubling its efforts after hearing him. Not apt to let whatever was out there in, Rickard ran out to the balcony. The ground was roughly fifteen or so feet below him. He groaned. This was gonna hurt, a lot. He climbed over the bars, holding in his breath as he climbed over. Even as he hit the ground, he knew to roll, but, as he was rolling, he landed on his left leg very hard. He let out a scream as something made a cracking noise. He groaned, looking down at his leg. It wasn't bent, nor cracked in half, but he knew some small bone might have fractured. Still, he didn't have time to sit there and moan about it. He gave a quick glance up at the motel, and saw the damn thing. It was... a giant fucking boar? He almost pissed his pants, the thing was bigger than he was! He began running. Or limping, whatever you would call the form of transportation he was using, Rickard just wanted to get the hell out of there. He walimped as fast as he could, somehow managing to run through the ruins without getting caught up to. Then he saw the bunker. From his vantage point, he had never seen the dried up lake that had somehow gone unnoticed as he had entered the area. It was rather odd, seeing the depression going into the ground, but no actual water at all. And in the middle of it all, stood a single bunker, with random buildings surrounding it and a razor wired chain link fence, out of place as a Boar sitting in the lounge of a motel. Speaking of boars, there was still one following Rickard.