[center][b]Ares Aeternus || Mystic Forest[/b][/center] The formidable Dark Knight known as Ares stood atop a wall connected to the city gates; his torn, crimson cloak swayed ominously amid the dwindling rain. Emerald eyes reminiscent of the aurora, a black steel great-lance strapped to his back, Ares regarded the two players that rushed behind him – the Buccaneer and the Wood Elf. He nodded in response to the chirpy Buccaneer before laying his gaze on the more timid female with the lime-colored hair. “Keep your chin up,” he said, “you’ll be of much better assistance that way.” His tone was withdrawn but he meant well. At that moment, he received a ping. It was a message from Lilith. He switched to his user interface and skimmed through it but before he could respond, a larger group of players arrived including her. Stella was also one among the group which caught him off-guard; he almost flinched when he saw her but quickly regained composure when he noticed a timid boy next to her. Ares’ eyes widened. What’s this? He thought, he’s just a kid, he’ll be killed! Snow Wolfe, Ares could read the name on his user interface. Ares was unwilling to accept responsibility for the players that stood before him but at the same time carried a heavy weight on his shoulders as party leader. “Our target is in the Mystic Woods; I’d say about a thirty minute walk from here, maybe less if you all keep pace with me. If you survive, I’ll honor your strength with a place in the Hellion Knights.” Ares responded partly in regard to Lilith’s and Sir Valentine’s questions but directed to the group as a whole. He saw as the player from earlier, Vick, scurried to join the group. Part of him was relieved that the boy would be close enough to watch as was Snow Wolfe but another side of him was too realistic. With a cocky flip, Ares jumped off the wall and headed past the gates after adding the group to his party. Ares maneuvered efficiently through the forest. By this point, the rain had stopped. Ares halted and turned his face slightly on his profile to regard his party. His mind began to do what it did best – strategize. “Aspin, Morgana, I’ll need the two of you up on the trees. Sir Valentine and Lilith, attack as a team, Vick support them with whatever buffs you can. Prince, I’ll need to make use of your light-feet. Past that clutter of trees up ahead are twenty-four wolves. Aggro them and lead them here. Snow Wolfe, stay with me but if anyone’s health drops below 75%, heal them. I’ll cover you. Are we all clear? I do not want to see any deaths if I don’t have to…” --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/849560][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img840/6687/fm9r.png[/img][/url] [b]HP:[/b] 100% [b]SP:[/b] 100 [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Inventory[/b] Potion x4 Gold x10