Name: Leena Christanson Age: 22 Appearance: [hider=Leena][img=][/hider] Occupation: Works at a pet store, lives on 6th street. Personality: Leena is cheerful and optimistic, often the rallying force when things look grim. Leena is always bubbly and ridiculous, often being the first to crack a joke or laugh in an awkward situation. She seems to be permanently happy, regardless of the current circumstances, and will always attempt to defuse a tense situation with humor. She loves to cause mischief with her friends. Though generally likable, she can quickly get on the nerves of those with less tolerance for silly things because she rarely appears serious. However, Leena is troubled deep inside. She can never seem to make lasting friends, and everyone in her life often leaves her before truly getting to know her. She has never gotten the chance to open up to anyone, which, when she is alone, leaves her feeling depressed and anxious. Bio: Leena comes from a rather stressful background. Her mother died due to cancer, when she was very young and she has only the barest of memories of her, though she has seen many pictures and her father insists she was a dedicated and powerful woman. Anyone who meets her father, Sean Chirstanson, will immediately see that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree for he is a strange and eccentric man intently devoted to writing novels, and being a travelling spokesperson. It is has been said that he was not always so off-the-wall but that the death of his wife left him a bit too unstable for his own good and, for Leena, it was very difficult growing up as he had little time to give to her, though he loved her as best he could and often let her watch, or even participate, in his work, letting her travel cross countries with him from time to time. Though relatively unknown in more distant countries, Sean was a fairly famous comedian and writer. She attended many schools, bouncing too and fro as her father traveled, and did moderately well in her classes, even placing on the honor roll as a high school student, but was always a loner on the fringes of school life. When she finally graduated she was old enough to live on her own and moved away from her dad, letting him travel in peace. Now she has a fair paying job and is in the final terms of getting her college degree in communications.