Well. That certainly wasn't what Arashi was expecting this early in the noon hour. You'd think that after having a night to contemplate things, the dragon would be a bit less... chatty. There was definitely a lot of loud, angry ranting coming from his new 'friend' over there. [i]'Jeez that's loud...'[/i] Arashi thought, covering his ears to silence the noise. Or, at the very least, dampen it a little bit since his ear-covering was doing practically nothing to protect his ears from this chewing out of epic proportions. Fortunately it didn't last too long, which meant Arashi thankfully got to keep his eardrums in tact. Lowering his hands from his head slowly and carefully, the blonde young man looked down at the dragon in disdain. It was silent, awkwardly so, for the first bit of time. Arashi had no idea how to respond to Sakura's psuedo-interrogation. Mainly because he didn't know what to say without risking the wrath of the dragon once more, but also because he was just so stunned at the fact that she even did so in the first place! "...You're loud. Really loud," Arashi said thoughtlessly, having absolutely nothing else better to say to the angry draconic female, "And rude. I just came here to give you some food!" As if to emphasize his point, he slid his leftovers toward Sakura with his foot, not risking getting, say, his hair or hand bitten off by the pissed off lizard. "Who the hell're you to be calling me stupid and racist," he scoffed, "Why would I even want a bratty thing like you as a pet anyway?"