[quote=babyjoker36610]-You have to join at the current moment in the RP not somewhere off in the distance. Your character cannot be in the soul society if we are currently in the human world. -No harsh profanity (i.e bitch etc) Only Shit, Damn, and Ass may be used like in the anime. -No one can be invincible -Must have fun -Make it authentic -Cannot be a offspring of someone currently on show but can be a long descendants -All posts must be a Paragraph no one liners period[/quote] My character will be in the soul society 24/7 My character only says bitch. My character has an invincible shield around him I won't have fun. What's authoonthic? My character is Peechigo Durosaki My first post will be hi. Obvious joke is obvious, just gonna watch this generic RP based off an anime.