Irry twisted and turned in the middle of the melee, shifting between modes with blurring ease and precision as the situation dictated. One moment her arrowhead-shaped Alpha would be a fighter, the next it was a muscular battloid, hosing down Scouts or Troopers from close range with it's cannon, the next a Guardian, braking and twisting on the spot. With a moment's pause for breath, she saw the humans tangling with the Invid. The pair she'd met in the hangar bay were more than holding their own, but she expected no less. The one in the colourful fighter was especially flashy, but her style had results, so she couldn't argue with that. Besides, it was hard [i]not[/i] to look flashy in a variable fighter. [QUOTE]"much appreciated, the damn bugger keeps zipping around to fast to hit, i'll owe you one"[/QUOTE] "Bring them this way, team - we'll round up and form a wedge through, split the pack and form a defensive line toward the ships, over". She boosted in the direction of the others, and was gratified to see the male human's fighter closing on her flank. As they reached the others, the pair shifted over to battloid mode with the typical swift movements of Variable fighters. An Enforcer was leading a wedge of it's own through the melee, sneaking under and through the chaos, and making right for the deck of the Sentinel, a flock of Armoured Shock Troopers following. [I]"Commander Jacquo, Commander Strucker - those Invid are making for the deck, intercept them!"[/i] Lisa's voice was urgent, and the Sentinel and human alike grimaced as the Invid slid past and dived for the ships deck on plumes of blue fire. Around them, scouts were criss-crossing and diving toward the deck, pursued by fighters or hosed by defence turrets and Destroids. Gabe toggled his comm switches and spoke to the unit. "We've got leakers, heading for the deck. They're tough ones, and they look pretty skilled too. We better-" "Less chat, more action!" snapped Irry, in her unfamiliar accent, blasting the Alpha for the Sentinels' deck. "Move in, and engage at your own discretion!"