Just as Tim barely managed to utter his own name a tall young man wearing a beige trench coat approached the pair. "Hello President Nanase Suzu? I'm with the Principle and we need you in the auditorium." He spoke calmly, quietly, yet authority rang in his voice. The man turned, giving her a come hither motion with his hand before walking towards the gymnasium, casually glancing back over his shoulder to ensure the President was following him. The pair approached the entrance where Mr. Akida graciously let them pass with a salute. Her escort merely smiled as he held the gymnasium door open for Suzu. Inside she could see decorations adorning nearly every square inch, paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling, chais placed on the floor in patterns determined by color, streamers attached to any surface that would allow it, and ungodly amounts of glitter on the stage's carpet made the entire room look rather gaudy. They continued into the building where he led her onto the stage where she could see the Principle waiting. "Ah Nanase Suzu, it's good to see you again my dear." Principle Raijin Satoru said as the two approached, his kind smile somewhat obscured by his bushy, gray mustache. Raijin was a man no one could ignore, with a booming voice and stature to match you would be hard pressed to find a more attention grabbing presence. Principle Satoru gestured towards Suzu's escort, the young man was actually taller then the Principle himself who towered over most people. "I see you've met my son, Masanori! He'll be a special teacher this year!" Masanori turned to Suzu, giving a low bow. "Detective Satoru Masanori of the Hirameki City Police Department, at your service." At that the Principle let out a loud, hearty laugh, his mustache wiggling in time to his laugh. "Hahahahaha! Ah Masanori no need to be such a stiff!" Masanori gave his father a disapproving look, but otherwise let the comment pass. If Raijin saw the look he gave no indication of it, instead charging along with his conversation. "So Nanase-san, I hope you have your speech prepared, I'm sure you're already chomping at the bit to address the student body."