Alright, I have my CS mostly finished, I just have a quick structural question to clear up before I post. How would you like "Avatar Ability" to be listed? You mentioned that we should start off as weak and get stronger with time, sure, and that the abilities should follow a certain theme. But for the sake of the CS, should we just post our 'theme' and what it might entail, or would you prefer a list of (at least most of) the individual things we can do? For instance, if my character controls fire (like the example you posted previously) would I just post "Controls fire" or do you want a list of "Can create a small handheld fire, can shrink or grow a fire independent of fuel, can touch and walk through fire" sort of thing? Also what if we wanted to go with the idea that our power as our character knows it is not quite correct? (Like if instead of controlling fire, you actually control the agitation of molecules, and thus temperature.) Should we list the actual correct power, or the power as our character knows it? Obviously our characters will only be acting within their own understanding, but if we grow into our 'correct' ability, would you want that correct ability to be posted straight out at the beginning? This is a situation you mentioned before that I'm pretty interested in.