Nayash didn't protest or make a sound when Veragwen wrapped her wounds with bandages. She silently watched and felt an uneasy tiredness creeping over her once more, and ignored the fact that the woman called Raena poked her with her weapons. She assumed that she was safe because she was being treated, but she still couldnt remember why she was there or how she had become injured. Soon, sitting on the floor, leaning against the side of the bed she dozed off. However the rest was short lived as she woke up only what seemed to be moments later by Caelyn's scream. Immediately Nayash's eyes shot open and her whole body tensed, which sent a shock of pain through her side, causing her to wince. "What the-!?" Nayash said and looked around to find the souce of the scream, and saw Raena looking at Caelyn and her. It didn't take long for her to realize that it had most likely just been someones bad dream, as the rest of the room was seemingly calm. "Bad dream..?" She mumbled and looked at Caelyn. She then closed her eyes and clasped her side once more, as she pulled herself up to a half standing position and up onto the bed side, where she slumped down, her hands on her forehead, and elbows on her knees. "Ughhr.. What time is it...?"