"It's disgusting." A muscular male glared down at Alfie, stood with a few more of his friends. Alfie had, unfortunately, had quite a few run-ins with this particular jock, Lucas, and he didn't really want to be near him. "Wh-What?" The shorter, frail male spoke shyly and softly, looking up from his sandwhich. He'd been invited to an end of year party at a rich classmate's lakeside house, and didn't quite know why, but assumed it was because she'd pited him. He'd accepted, just because he felt like he should do. Besides, it was nice at the lakeside, and there was free food and drink. "Being a faggot." Came the gruff response of Lucas, as he advanced towards him. "And we need to teach you a lesson, don't we?" Alfie scrambled to his feet from where he'd been sat on the bench, intending to break into a run. Crying out in fear as he was grabbed by two members of the gang, he was dragged, kicking and screaming to the lake edge. With a SPLASH!, he was thrown into the lake, sinking down into the cold, murky waters of the lake. He'd never learnt how to swim, being scared of water... How he regretted not trying harder to quell the phobia, to get over his fear, to make sure he'd survive... Everything seemed to slow down as he sunk down into the depths of the lake, feeling the water pushing on him, forcing him down from above, and seemingly pulling him down from below, as if a monster had ensnared it's tentacles around his thin, frail form. He didn't quite know where the bottom of the lake was, nor did he quite know if he'd ever find this out... Closing his eyes, he finally let his mouth open, swallowing dirty water into his lungs as he could no longer keep his mouth closed...