In an alleyway between Fremont Avenue and Stevens Street Archer saw the eight grunts charging towards his pod and obliterating it, and he quickly pulled his head back in and out of sight. He heard the noise of an Elite around the corner, apparently trying to get control over his aggressive grunt pack... Aggressive was right, a second slower and he'd have been joining Truman on the KIA list. He paused for a moment, thinking of his next move. The map showed there had been a second group of covenant, three of them, along Posement avenue. If he fell back down this alley or tried to hold his position here, they might come up and flank him. Stevens street was just up above the alley where his pod had landed, and if he recalled correctly the map had displayed it as being clean of covies. How far away was his pod from here? A few meters down the alley, the grunts must be a few meters more. Might be able to hit them with a grenade, if not it would still provide cover. He had to get to Stevens street, he couldn't risk being caught between two covenant forces, especially since the numbers seemed to be off with the first group. The group further down Posement Avenue might consist of god knows how many Elites. He took a fragmentation grenade from his utility belt and pulled the pin on it, before tossing it blindly into the alley. He heard it ping off the ground, once... He slung his DMR and quickly pulled his his SMG, checking the safety was off... twice... he steeled himself, setting his eyes on the goal ahead... Bang. He didn't wait even a second, as soon as the explosion set off, he sprinted for the far side of the alley, keeping his head down to avoid plasma fire and firing five four shot bursts from his SMG into the settling dust of the grenade's explosion, hoping to suppress the covenant forces. Plasma flew past him and overhead in bolts of green and blue, purple crystals pierced the dust and came flying past him... he could feel the heat from the passing plasma as he dashed, doing his best to avoid the incoming fire. He came out near the top of the alley and took cover behind the wall. It was only now he realised he'd been holding his breath, and he let it out, exhaling sharply. He should have just darted up the alley as soon as he came out the pod, he'd almost fucked himself over then. He took the clip from his SMG and placed it in securely in case he ran out of magazines later, the loaded another clip into the bottom of the SMG locking it into place. He didn't want to run out of shots if that Elite came around the corner, he'd seen what they could do to a man and if it's shields were still up he'd be fucked. He bit his bottom lip and listened out as he turned to the side to face the entrance to the alley and trained his weapon, ready to open fire on anything should it come around the corner.