Arthur's body began to move on it's own without his thought. It followed the man who seemed to have the same idea he did, but when it came to approach, it took the safer route. Arthur watched the man do a stupidly absurd jump, and nearly kill himself. "Fuckin bloody idiot." He muttered, while heading towards the stairway. "Out of my way! Get the fuck out of my way!" He yelled, shoving the other freshmen aside, plowing them down like tall grass. He may have not been the strongest, but he definitely could go toe to toe with people when he needed to. In the midst of shoving people out of the way, he ran into, and knocked over, the girl who had first helped him when he got to the school. Or at least he assumed so. She was the same height, same voice and everything. "Sorry lass!" he said, picking her up, and proceeding on his way to the balcony stairs. He hit full sprint when reaching the stairs, bounding over several steps at a time, and nearly tripping. He reached the top and slid in to help the idiot who had done the dangerous stunt. "Oi! I'm here too, what do we need to do? Is there any school nurse or something like that? I think we're both strong enough to help out here." He turned to the blonde haired kid and shouted at him. " You! Don't do bloody dangerous stunts like that! We don't need deaths this early into a school year. Name's Arty. Here to help."