[b]Phantom[/b] The good thing about sneaking around constantly invisible was that it made being stunned more of an inconvenience and less of a 'you have now been knocked unconscious and dragged off' affair. Thus, once Rachel had recovered her bearings, she set about trying to find someone that she could actually [i]do[/i] something to. Ember was right out for obvious reasons, especially once she turned into a fireball. The metal guy was likewise unassailable with her ability set. She could take out a few henchmen--but that was basically a waste of time, since they were hardly a big threat. Strix going down like a sack of potatoes, then what sounded like a quite heated debate? This was a grand signal that [i]something[/i] was going on. Talking empty air made it even clearer that there was someone else invisible, here, and that left her one option: try and grapple them, and first get them off of the other hero. How to do that when you couldn't see them? Well, prepare for impact... and tackle where there had to be some sort of person to keep Strix in place. Phantom certainly had the element of surprise here, but whether that could be capitalised on to both get on top of the other guy and find some body part that was either disabling when hit or could be put in some sort of lock to keep in place? Well, that was a bit harder. There was also the unknowing risk of getting herself, Strix, or the invisible man shot; hopefully he recalled basic firearm safety rules and had kept his finger [i]off[/i] the trigger rather than risking accidentally blowing a hole in somebody that he didn't want to kill