Haha I'm sure Pat won't mind being the only guy who's straight. XD [hider=Appearance][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DEbk3Mv6Wbw/UqmWwXZRN0I/AAAAAAAAAIM/lhNr0J2Y54I/s1600/cool_guy_render_by_luxio56lavi-d4zu5b8.png[/img][/hider] Name: Patrick "Pat" Harren Age: 18 Personality: Patrick is the epitome of laziness. He's a super under achiever, to the point where it's sad. Pat is laid-back, and rarely becomes angry. Surprisingly, he is actually kind of funny. The only thing you will see him try hard at is his music, and Boxing. Patrick likes having company, but trying to make friends is so much.... Work. Same with his love life, getting a girlfriend is too much work. Pat really enjoys sleeping, and doing nothing.... Short Biography: Patrick grew up in a busy family. His mother was a CEO of a major oil and gas company. His father worked for Apple. So basically, he was left to grow up on his own. He did have an older sister, but she went off to college when he was 12. With no one to guide him, Pat could be as lazy as he wanted to be. His teachers had no idea how he was passing, all he did was zone off, or so it seemed. Really, he was just watching what the teacher wrote down on the board, and that was all he needed. Patrick decided that doing nothing all the time was kind of boring, so he tried his best to find a hobby. He did enjoy music, maybe he could play an instrument? Piano an drumming involved too much multi-tasking, and guitar had too many strings. After a lot of searching, Patty tried out the ukulele, and it was too simple to pass by. With his photographic memory, learning how to play was easy. Soon he actually enjoyed investing time in playing, he began writing music, and even lyrics. He started boxing when his sister got mugged by some sleepy thief. There was nothing he could have done to stop it, but he wanted to learn how to defend himself in the future. He found it a drag, but not totally hard. At least he was in peak condition, training was a bitch. Pat is mad at his parents for enrolling him in such a prestigious school. It seems like way too much work. It's not like they had a right to intervene in his life when they are never around. Birthdate: April 28 Star sign: Taurus Others: He boxes outside of school, his one passion, besides music. He has a photographic memory. Pat plays the ukulele because he found playing the guitar too much work. Special request: He wants to make a band, but he's too lazy, as usual.