Inhaling deeply on his cigar Vincent leaned against one of the group's trailers. Tonight was going to be fun, after all it was a small show. He prefered small shows, they tended to be a closer knit community, which meant that there were less people complaining about his volunteers being 'plants'. Like he would ever need to use something like that, the mere thought irritated him beyond all belief. With an exhale he allowed his thoughts to slip away with the cigar smoke to slip lazily away. Allowing himself to relax now, Vincent watched as Victoria headed into her trailer, only to be stopped as the voice of James ringed out to both of them. It was his usual little rant about how amazing the funnel cake, the man was clearly just an avid lover of the carnival confection. In reply to his offer of some of the funnel cake Vincent just replied, "Thanks, fo' the offer, buts I gots all the treat I needs right 'ere," as he held up his cigar and indicated towards with his free hand. Watching as Victoria opted to try some, Vincent just shook his head a little, he had never been big on sweets and the such. His cigar now completely gone, he reached into the breast pocket of his waist coat and pulled a silver case and opened it. Placing a new cigar in his mouth Vincent put the case back and pulled out a small book of matches from his pocket and proceeded to light it. Enjoying his new 'treat' Vincent did not take notice of Victoria looking his way until she began to speak. Once she had finished speaking his face now held a grave expression. Taking one last inhale he removed the still quite fresh cigar from his mouth and snuffed it on his palm, ignoring the slight burn it caused. "119 years, yet I'm stills nots looking forward to it," he sighed quietly. Then looking at James he spoke, "Well Jimmy looks likes this is my last show with The Troupe. I's only gots six years ands I stills gots a lots I wants and gots to do." Walking forward Vincnet placed his cigar in Jimmy's pocket, "Don'ts gots time for dat one, gots to pack." Turning on his heel Vincent began to head into his trailer.