Hey! I'd like to dual-purpose my job as "communications and cartographer." So I'm also refining our mapping technology with concise programming and occasional patches. Also, unsure if others are on board with this, but any communications from family (usually gleaned from a spectroscopy report sent once every few months since light travels faster than sound and decrypted by my character's shipboard programs) can be asked for from me. If you want a particular report we can discuss in the chat or PM or joint post and my character can "deliver" anyone's family/friend messages. "Hey! Don't shoot the messenger." ;D Foster: HA! I swear he only skims from the top (or sucks at the dregs). But also, I second you being our biologist/herbologist/resident gardener. Good luck car-fetching, Jorj! I'll see about putting together a character sheet later on this week.