oooooh, that DK, He was such a scamp sometimes. Honestly how could anyone be so frustrated and so pleased to speak with someone at the same time? Conversations were certainly never boring with this particular friend of hers. Perhaps a bit of playful back and forth with Devon Steel would make some of his good tech rub off on her POS cpu...or at least help past the time. [CC]: Way to rub salt in my slowly loading wounds DK :P [CC]: I swear if we ever manage to be in the same place I will bury you under your weight adorable paper mache animals [CC]: Days been...largely uneventful. [CC]: Started loading the game, tinkered on of crafts, pined for a new wonder woman trade. New 52 isn't doing her the justice she deserves :/ [CC]: Cuz doesn't appear to be home. likely out boarding in this not quite a billiard. That nut. [CC]: What about yourself? Anything fun to report to alleviate this poor girls boredom No sooner had she started talking with Devon than her buddy Mina shot her a message. It's good to have active friends online when you live up in the middle of bum fuck nowhere mountain. Lily's sited more possible big-foots up here in her frigid icy home than other kids her own age. Mina was the other girl in her small but tight circle of pals. Her deep south sister-from-anouther-mister, with her non-freezing temperatures and mild winters. Oh how Lily envied her weather; though not so much her sometimes rough relationship with her family. [CC]: Yo GH! :D [CC]: Naw, snowing too much to leave the premises of my mountain home [CC]: Just didn't want to do anything to mess up the agonizingly slow process of this Sburb insulations. [CC]:Not even my boundless enthusiasm for making things has managed to make this sail pulling a rock uphill this is my loading progress bearable. [CC]:So I shall chat on my phone for now. [CC]:But enough about me, How are you? [CC]:Your mood says not so well. [CC]:any chance mailing you a menagerie of colorful origami creatures would help bring a smile back to your face?