Drake just stared at this band they had created. Almost nothing melts together except for in the music. We have a miss perfect, silent synth, singer who seems to be a musical prodigy, a mental recording drummer, a model violinist, and he could forget himself the British loner. It's kinda strange but you know what who cares. He played a few chords through his amp to verify the sound was right. He didn't like micing his amps while they were on stage too much. He preferred to have it facing a tad bit away from the audience so they could get the true sound. Anyways he could already see an argument possibly happening. One definitely wants this show perfect and another wants to improvise. Drake loved to improvise and even stretch out his solos on stage. "i'm all for improvising I mean whats the fun of a live show if you just watch a cd" he said laughing. He soon walked over to Ana "So whats up beat girl? Ready to pound it tonight?" he said laughing with a wink. Drake was mainly joking. He flirted a lot but was never really serious. I mean his apartment was practically made out of balsa wood. Nobody would want to go with him there...ever. He sighed in his thoughts before spinning back to reality. He started putting up the stage light he had rigged to a guitar pedal he made. When everything was set up he made his way over to the merch booth.