"I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" she asked, following quickly, her hands in the pockets of her dress. She suspected that this woman was crazy, what she was saying made no sense. If she were a little more skiddish, or maybe a little smarter, she probably would have gone her own way. She would have found her way back to the motel on her own just fine. She had no idea why she was still following her. Perhaps because she seemed to know something, and Ava was completely baffled. She was beginning to retrieve bits of memory. She had left her motel, she couldn't remember why, and there was a man she didn't recognize speaking to her. He was persistent, wouldn't leave her alone. She remembered what seemed to be a diner, as well. Is that where she met the man? She remembered distinctly, now, throwing coffee on his lap when he wouldn't back off, and how he didn't even react to the near-boiling liquid. She tried to remember what happened afterwards, but that was all still a blur.