[Dimension 1] She ran a hand through her long brown hair and twisted strands around her cold fingers. It really wasn't fair. She had so much faith in him, he was so much worse than what she could recall. What happened? Something had to have happened. It made no sense to her. People didn't just change overnight but it was apparent that she wouldn't get the answer she deserved. And now it was supposedly done and over. Now what? She propped her elbow on the slender metal armrest of the bench and put her chin in her hand and sighed. The Doctor soon joined her but she really didn't feel like talking or being talked to, at the moment. There was silence but not a lot of it. And as predicted, he was doing his best to point out that this was just a tiny blimp on her whole life. Not to her. Not when she had fiercely believed that Andrew, the auburn haired boy with beautiful blue eyes, was someone she had really connected with. And now all it was pretty much gone and she was starting to doubt her very own memories. She listened to the Doctor talk about Edison's failures and how he just carried on anyway. Good for him, she wasn't an inventor, she was a very single person just bumbling around the world and if she couldn't count on her friends, who could she count on? She glanced over to him and sat up a bit more, yet still remained a bit slouched into the bench. "I actually don't know how I feel. I don't think I'm angry, I mean I was back there but...I don't think so, not anymore." She wasn't quite sure what to call how she was feeling. Usually describing things and reading situations came naturally to her but now she found herself struggling to discern whether she was going to cry or scream. Jennifer was in turn, more mad at herself than her ex. "He's usually better than that." She told the Doctor, not sure why she felt the need to defend Andrew. But he was. And how he acted was completely out of character and she'd never know why and that really bothered her. "I mean there's pain yeah but...I'm kinda just...numb to it. I guess I saw this coming a while. Sure, not exactly but I figured I'd get here someday." She shrugged a little and looked up at the blue and white colored sky. Maybe part of her didn't want to appear as though she had poor judgement in people but she knew Andrew was a good person. What she didn't know was why he was so set on not being good to her so suddenly. She felt undeserving of it, to be honest. She didn't deserve Andrew's misplaced grief. Jennifer looked back to the Doctor who gave her a smile, not one of boyish charisma or glee, but just a simple smile, and it looked good on him. "Thank you." She replied to him. "I really do appreciate your support." But the whole issue had been sort of resolved and it might be as good as it could get, so she wanted to move on and stop feeling so numb and stupid. "And in the end, we're all just humans. Drunk on the idea that love, only love could heal our brokenness." She said. "Christopher Poindexter said that, I always thought his last name was pretty cool in a geeky sort of way." Jen smiled a bit. "Well I guess, I'm using the term human more broadly here." She glanced to the Doctor. "Hmm...anyway I guess there's nothing else to do here, since I picked last, why don't you decide what we're doing next." She proposed. It seemed since she was ready to go, so was the Doctor. They headed back to the TARDIS which wasn't far. "I wonder what I should write about now..." She shrugged and put her hands behind her head. "I guess I could write about traveling through time and space." She smiled a little though she had no idea how it would turn out. It could still be cool or entertaining at least, even if it was just for her. They stepped back into the TARDIS and she realized she couldn't go back at another point in try again, this was it. "Any moons on Neptune we could check out?" She grinned a little. "Or something like that." - - - [Dimension 2] With things somewhat settled, the Doctor had a better feeling in terms how this visit back in the past would go. He had his doubts, clearly but so far, time was on their side and who was he to mess with that? As they wandered around Dover, Summer expressed tidbits of her life and what she could remember from the past, which was to them, in the future. The brown haired male was keen to just listen and absorb the information whenever it was provided. Summer had a lot on her mind and didn't want to misdirect her. This was important to her and whatever choice she made, he would understand and accept it. Humans could be unpredictable sorts, usually hearts filled with rage and confusion, rather than love and understanding. But they weren't all hopeless, many of them were carved into the Doctor's memory from all of his past lives. And now Summer was making a place within his mind as well. Here he was, a powerful Time Lord, the last of his kind, and he was wandering around the dark bowels of Dover. It was a bit comedic but in a heartwarming sort of way. He looked around and made notes of where places and landmarks were, just in case directions ever needed to come in handy. For someone who did a lot of running away, it was always key to know how to escape from an area. And he wanted there to be no danger in Dover, so he was also doing some recon, alongside taking in the small port town that Summer's parents inhabited. The girl said she didn't need anything, which made him nod. That was good, though he wasn't really serious because he hadn't a clue what would be appropriate and what wouldn't. The topic was thankfully kicked to the side. As they neared a body of water, Summer stalled. She said she'd like to go, he couldn't help but frown slightly. But then she mentioned that she'd like to go to the party. Well that was different. He nodded and stood beside her. Parties weren't something he frequented too often, for many reasons. Sometimes it was hard to find a reason to celebrate, sometimes he just didn't want to be around people, but he would go since it meant something to Summer. He headed back with Summer since she seemed eager to give a formal acceptance to the kind invitation. They stuck their head in and told Mabel they would be in attendance and once that was done, they headed back to the TARDIS to get some rest. Well, the Doctor didn't need to sleep so he just spent the next couple of hours tinkering in the control room, thinking about how Christmas Eve would turn out. He honestly hoped it would give Summer the closure she needed. The next day, the Doctor decided after some research that a simple bottle of wine may be enough to bring to the party in exchange for the hospitality. And he had some stored away in one of the many rooms within the TARDIS. A few bottle had been gifted to him after he had saved the wife of a Frenchmen in the 1930s. When the sun settled once more over Dover, he and Summer met up and headed over to Mabel's house together. The Doctor had kept himself busy during the day and had hoped Summer had enjoyed some time on her own in the town. "I have a good feeling about this." He told her as they neared the small cottage which belonged to Summer's mother. He knocked and stood back with Summer, when it opened, he presented the bottle to a man who had opened the door. "Merry Christmas." The Doctor smiled. "I'm The Doctor, this my friend, Summer. Thank you for having us." He said as they were let in. Many people were in the living room, by a large fireplace, everyone seemed to be exchanging stories of the past year and hopes for the upcoming new one. The Doctor gestured for Summer to sit down and he would follow. They found a place on the couch and the Doctor looked over at everyone. A thick scent of alcohol and beef and bread filled the area around them. It was very casual and seemed to include all sorts of people. Mabel approached them and gave them a wave. "That was my boyfriend who failed to introduce himself, he's not one for parties like this but it's a tradition I can't just let go of so he puts up with it." She smiled. "I hope you're enjoying Dover thus far." "Oh yes, it's lovely." The Doctor nodded.