[b]Remnants of a warehouse on Maynard Boulevard[/b] Jace heard gunfire coming from where Tenjer had spotted McCoy's pod. He saw the familiar blue pulse of plasma fire emanating from a now much larger crowd of Covenant forces. Instead of answering his team mate he simply moved into action. Weapon shouldered once again, he aimed into the group. They'd found McCoy already and were now raining fire upon him. Just then his comms link screamed, [i]“Taking fire! I'm pinned down! Weapon has malfunctioned! I need immediate support!”[/i] Flicking his weapon to it's 3-round burst mode, he answered the request for help with the crack of three bullets being loosed from the barrel, the sound echoing down the street. In milliseconds they'd traversed the distance between him and the group, embedding themselves deep within the skull of a particularly eager grunt. The force of the trio jolted its' small head violently to the right, stopping its' forward motion almost instantly and throwing it to the ground. As another bolt of lightning flashed, the large group noticed the frontrunner's fall. Shrieks from some of the other Grunts filled the street whilst the Elites bellowed new orders to return fire upon their assailant. But as another Grunt turned to aim in his direction, Jace calmly stroked the trigger of his weapon a second time, releasing another three bullets that impacted, immediately, with the methane tank attached to the small alien's back. A minor explosion sent bits of tarmac, blood and alien body parts spraying out in all directions, the flames of the combusted methane engulfing another unsuspecting Grunt as it, too, had turned to face his position. [b]"No time to wait, let's light 'em up!"[/b] He said to Tenjer. Then, switching to the Squad Comms, [b]"Sit tight McCoy, me and Tenjer are a few hundred meters west of your position. We're laying down fire on these assholes now. If anyone else cares to join us, consider this an open invite."[/b] By now, Grunts covering the left flank of the group had begun targeting both himself and Tenjer, their green and blue bolts of energy crackling as they burnt through the air towards them. Jace dodged a few but took a light singe to his left shoulder's armour plating. Dropping to a single knee once again, he let off more rounds into the group, hoping to pick off the ones gradually getting closer to McCoy's position. These shots, however, didn't hit. Almost as if it had been planned, green, blue and orange shields suddenly burst into life at the last microsecond, deflecting the bullets. [b]"Shit! They've got Jackals!"[/b] He exclaimed into his two-way comm with Tenjer.