The mutant looked at her. He shrugged "Its not that simple... I have to wait for the right way to do it, I cant just give away my posistion yet," he was also a bit neverous. He wasnt sure how things would go. Charles was relaxed where he was. He seemed rather tired he hoped that she was happy with the infomation that he had given to her. he stretched his arms a bit. "You look tired," He replied "To save you having to go back out, you can stay here the night, I'm sure you came a long way." he said gently. Charles wasnt sure if she would take him up on his offer, but he felt like he had to offer. He was always polite and kind of the time. He could easily see she was tired as well. The mutant knew he was tired as well. Though he would stay awake long as she wanted to talk. "Well I hope it was useful infomation." he was relieved at least that she wouldn't give away his posistion. He was not sure if she was truely human. But he knew he would need to know more before he could confirm that. He still wondered why she wouldn't know that or not. Charles yawned a bit "Sorry." he said looking a bit embarassed. "I'm kind of tired,"