[quote=MrDidact] But being named Pandora's Box means the prison is just asking to be opened haha. Good name though. A treacherous Fellowship Sorcerer is a pretty good idea and I can work with that pretty well. Well the Awakening can cause lots of weird things to happen. Tree-people, talking monkeys, amorphous blobs, actual Jedi Knights. But if Aliens did show up, expect that to be a pretty earth-shattering arc. Not unlike any possible "Atlantis rises again" arc, *whistles* Well Phantasm doesn't have superhuman senses. But unlike Phantom he actually trained himself extensively and his awareness of his surroundings has been elevated to the human limit. Phantom trying to charge and tackle him probably means she made a ton of noise before hand and as such he was able to hear her. If that's a big problem I can amend it.EDIT: Actually I came up with a much better way to share villains. I'll post a Rogue's Gallery thread in the Gallery section and everyone can post villains there. Sound good? [/quote] aliens are better than magic [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/064/f/9/i__m_just_saiyan_by_jkon82-d3azxpa.jpg[/img]