Ru almost lost this balance. "She barely noticed..." He mumbled under his breath, and then breathed a heavy sigh. What had he'd done wrong this time? Was he a little too direct for someone who was only an acquaintance? Was he too formal? Dejected, he waited for a few more moments and then went on his way to the bakery. When he arrived, he saw that it was already open and let himself in by pushing the door with both hands. He stood on his tiptoes to seem taller and more respectable as he approached the counter and then rang the bell at the desk. "Hello. I'm here to pick up my breakfast and coffee. Is anyone available?" _____ Preston was looking down at the ground and rubbing his shoes into the dirt out of sheer boredom. He was about ready to nod off again right there, as drained as he was. At first he didn't notice the Neko approach him, but when he did he was initially a little bit alarmed. No one had just come up to him directly since he'd arrived, or paid him much attention at all aside from all the gossip. He got up as quickly as he could and brushed himself off, although all at once realizing that even standing up he wasn't very visually intimidating. He knew he could hold his own if this stranger was going to threaten him, but he'd rather not have to do that at all and just being able to scare him off would have been nice. Sometimes he hated being short; no one took you seriously like that until you had to show them what you where made of. His father and brother where both over six feet tall, but apparently he'd inherited his grandfather's small guy stature. "Uhm, hey..." He muttered to the stranger Neko. "What's up?"