Scattering loose fallen leaves as she ran, Seiga Tomoe dashes her way tirelessly through the leaf village's crowded streets, basket of bread held protectively in her arms. She runs on the edge of her body's limit, leaping over carts, even running up walls and over rooftops when necessary. She was to deliver this basket of bread to the Akimichi clan house by 11:40, and be at Training Ground 22 by noon sharp. They were nearly at opposite ends of the village, so this would be no easy task, especially with the streets growing more and more crowded by the day. Face pulled into an expression of laser-focused determination, Seiga doesn't falter for an instant when faced with a wall well over thrice her height. She gathers chakra into her feet and leaps forcefully, creating a shock wave of dust and air as she flies through the air gracefully. Landing with a casual twirl, she doesn't stop moving, lunging forth with even more gusto than before. She didn't have enough time, she would have to go even faster if she wanted to make it. Evening running with such seemingly unmanageable speed, she keeps her eyes and ears open to her surroundings, carefully avoiding villagers and towering piles of building materials with each precarious step. On her way, she briefly hears a few calls of encouragement and greeting from the villagers, but she doesn't stop for even a second to greet them back. She had been a common sight these last few days, sprinting through the streets and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, all to deliver goods from the general store to those at the far reaches of town. Normally, they would have to go and pick them up themselves or bring their patronage to one of the closer shops, but the shop in question prided itself on its timely delivery service. Their reputation wouldn't be slighted while Seiga was on duty, she could see the Akimichi household coming up now. Making one final jump onto their exposed rooftop, the young kunoichi quickly climbs down the side of the building and places the bread into the hands of the customer. With a few parting thanks, she rushes off towards the direction of the training grounds, where she had been summoned to. She wasn't entirely sure about the letter she had received, but it seemed quite important, so she couldn't afford to be late. She arrives just in time, only breathing a bit heavier than usual as she settles into a brisk walk and stopped near the center of the training ground. Casually searching around the ground, she has to wonder internally if the people she was meeting were actually there. Either way, it would quicken the process if she actively searched for them, so she sets off into the crowd in search of her partners...