Zoriah limped a bit closer to the human to see if he was awake. He took a sudden step back quickly as the human jumped up. His eyes carefully examined his posture and stamina, trying to read everything about him. Giving a gentle smile, Zoriah tilted his head, "Relax; I'm holding a glass bottle, not a .22 and a dagger... you okay?" Zoriah looked down, realizing what he said could be taken offensively. "Uhm. You looked tired, so I just thought I'd give ya some sassafras tea..." Zoriah remarked, shaking his head at himself and sitting down on the ground abruptly and tugging the cork out of the extra large, spherical glass bottle. "It'll taste like a non-fuzzy version of what you might know to be 'root bear', I think it was...? Only this will strengthen, refreshen and energize you a bit..." Zoriah concluded, holding the cold, glass bottle up and waving it back and forth at the human with both hands, making sure to not make eye contact. The auburn liquid swirled gently inside the bottle. "Don't drink too much, though..." he added with a hint of serious caution in his voice.