I wouldn't mind being the one to post the OOC, but I might need some help from you guys. cx For example, would you want it to double as a boarding school of sorts, or do we want to leave school out of the picture completely, perhaps because those with more serious mental disorders wouldn't be able to handle it? Would we want to bring some supernatural themes in as well, maybe having it be a home for those deemed too abnormal to function in society, thus bringing those with say, telepathic powers into the mix, or do we want to leave it as a home for delinquents and the mentally ill? Should we add a conflict, like maybe the home starts out as a relatively alright place, with adults willing to help and counsel the kids, but the house falls into the hands of a new director and things start to turn bad, like instead of it being a house for helping it turns into a place to cage up all the freaks, and our characters attempt to escape? And would anyone be willing to be the adult counselors, and maybe help the kids escape once the new director takes control? And the most troubling question of all, [i]whatever shall we name this RP?[/i] If you guys have any ideas whatsoever feel free to speak up.