"D...D....Daxin Sinclair, would you grant me the honor of being my partner...." THose words made Daxin blush brightly. She felt her lips pull ino a bright smile that was soft and she wanted to lean up and kiss him. "Business partner".....WHAT??? THe urge to kiss him vanished in a blink of an eye. What was he saying? That he wanted to build ships with her? To Open a shop down town? Had this man gone mad? She had thought he wanted to cour her not make money with her. Daxin felt a bit confused as her eyes probed his face for answers. She heard the crowd of people whisper from al around them snd she began to feel a bit hurt. Daxin took a deep breath in order to calm herself down. Now Daxin, he had confessed his love only a few hours ago so there had to be a reason wh he would say such things. Was he worried about something? Surely his pride was not on the table right now..but hers was. Daxin forced a smile on her face and nodded to his request. "I would love to my dearest friend," she let go of his hand and curtsied grabbing her skirt as she did so that she would not let it drag on the floor. Daxin arose and took a deep breath as she looked up at him. He had to explain what on Earth he ha meant by this later. FOr his own good this man had better have a good reason for making her seem like a simple friend that he was amusing during the party. The nerve of him saying such things made Daxin a bit angered but she would not dare show it. How could she? This woman was far above all manner of showing her unhappiness infront of onlookers. Ajax was going to get an earful if he did not give her the explanation she wanted. After the party ended Daxin grabbed hold of Ajax's arm and pulled for him to follow her. She had no intentions of letting what he said earlier slide. He was going to give her the truth. Daxin found a hallway that was empty and let go of his wrist before she entered. She turned to him and looked him straight in the face as her arm crossed under her chest. "What on earth was that rubish about?" she growled.