Alway open. The human race is evolving once again. New newest evolution gives humans amazing and spectacular abilities. Unfortunately evolution is slow so the mutated human are out number but the regular humans. Because of their small numbers these mutants must work together to survive. The government has built a 'facility' for these mutants. In the facility they will be free to pursue whatever goals interest them. The catch is that they will be studied and sent out to protect the ordinary. [img=] 1. This is my RP. What I say goes. If you disagree with something we can discuss it. 2. Do not attack other characters without approval 3. Do not attack NPC without clearing it with me. I don't want random destruction. 4. DO NOT control other people characters with out permission 5. If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability. 6. If you are going to be gone more then a day let me know. If you don't you might lose your character.I don't mind waiting but I need to know who to wait for. 7. If you have an idea let me know I always welcome suggestions 8. Discussions are welcome. Lets not fight. 9. Please quote or use names so people know who your responding to [hider=Teachers] [img=] [/hider] Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Ability: Bio: [img=] Breakfast Power Development Class (science, English, math, history, health) Lunch Gym Class (art, cooking, sewing, photography, writing) [img=] [hider=Katherin] Name: Katherin Winter Age: 17 Appearance: [img=] Ability: Ice and snow Bio: Katherin is an orphan. She lived on the streets until her powers started created problems. She was sent to the facility to help her gain control of her powers. She is blind. [/hider] [hider=Roxy] Name: Roxy Black Age: 16 Appearance: [img=] Ability: shadow manipulation Bio: TBA [/hider] [hider=Liz] Name: Liz St. Green Age: 15 Appearance: [img=] Ability: healing Bio: Liz is the only child of a famous doctor. For years he used her ability to get ahead. Liz being a generous and selfless person she helped anyone her father brought to her. She asked very few questions until her father demanded that she hurt someone. Only then did she question what he was doing. By then it was too late. She had been reported and sent to the academy.[/hider] [hider=Victor] Name: Victor Partings Age: 18 Human appearance: [img=] alternant form: [img=] Personality: Insecure and easily hated for no reason, Victor tries to stay out of the spot light. He is not very good at interacting with others and is usually closed off from society. He can be cold and heartless at times, but usually only does so to get people away from him. He has a hard time controlling his emotions and can lash out at the smallest things. Victor complains about almost everything. But he is extremely loyal to the few friends he has and would do anything for them. He has an alternant personality who is laid back and talks with a heavy Arabian accent. This personality has a habit of showing up when it wants and has no real name. When Victors personality switches his eyes change to yellow cat like eyes, so it's easy to find out what personality is present. Abilities: Can shape shift into an anthropomorphic cat. When in human form he has an extremely strong sense of smell. And when in his cat form he is extremely agile. His alternant personality is also the one who controls his cat form, so if he does shape shift he has no real control of what he does. Bio: Victor was born into a highly nomadic society and was raised mostly by his father, since his mother died when he was 5. Most of his childhood was traveling in a small caravan across desert landscapes with only a group of 10 or so people. Victor's father new of his powers and his alternant personality, but tried to hide it from the others in the caravan. When Victor turned 10 a group of raiders attacked the caravan and his father was killed trying to protect him. After the raiders killed his father, Victor was thrown into a rage and he shifted into his cat form and fought against them. He was able to defeat most of the attackers and the rest ran away. Although he saved the rest of the caravan they disowned him and exiled him to walk the desert alone. Eventually he was found by a couple of archeologists who raised him for a few years until, they found out about his abilities. The archeologists threw him out on the streets where he lived until he was 16. When he turned 18 he heard about the academy and after a few months finally arrived. [/hider] [hider=Jayden] Name: Jayden Lloyd Underwood* Age: 17 Gender: M Abilities: Coping: He can perfectly mimic a person, memories included with a single touch. Assuming the person in question has powers, he can copy them, but not their mastery of them. e.g. If he touched someone who could make five copies of themself, then Jayden could make copies of himself, but not as many. To work around this he has to take that person's form to practice with the power. If the person has a natural talent, like say an eidetic memory for an example, he has it while he is in the form. Personality: *= It is an alias he made due to having amnesia. Having amnesia, Jayden might be a little naive at times. He still does not particularly like most people, for reasons he can not put his finger on. (explained in bio) If he warms up to someone, he is a good and loyal friend to have. He may at times crack jokes, good or bad when the mood strikes him. Appearance: I claim no ownership to the pictures I used. [img=] Like this with the following revisions: [list] [*] Obviously, he doe snot have the Pokemon, Goomy on his head.[/*] [*] Jacket only worn when weather demands in, and is blue instead of green[/*] [*]The shirt is a V-neck[/*] [*] I am going to see his eyes are hazel since the image does not really show you his real eye color.[/*] [/list] That is his casual attire. What he normally wears is in this image. He wears one of the middle two or the version without a sweater, depending on his mood and the weather. [img][/img] Bio: Jayden had a normal life until his powers showed up. Everyone turned on him: friend and family alike. By ducking into corners and taking advantage of the triathlon that was conveniently taking place in his town, he was able to escape his home town. While walking though the woods to the next town, he tripped and fell. He woke up in a hospital with amnesia. "Jayden" rediscovered his powers when his doctor touched his arm. After that, the only times someone would come to his room would be to bring him food, which was rolled in and then the person swiftly exited without looking at him (the same done to retrieve the trey) or if he imitated the 'flat line' sound. "Jayden" decided that one night, he would escape from this hospital. His power helped greatly in this regard. Before he left, he snuck into the records room. Since there was no name for him, other then "John Doe", which the doctor said was just a place holder he combed though records and mixed and matched names from newborn baby boys that were in the hospital. Even if it wasn't his [i]real[/i] name, it was a name that he liked. [/hider] [hider=Ryan] Name: Ryan J Adams Age: 16 Appearance: [img=] Personality: I don't like to decide this in an CS, its very limiting. Ability: Insane regeneration and Cryokinesis. He needs regenerative abilities otherwise he would immediately die from frostbite. Bio: Ryan lived in Alaska before he was transferred to the Academy, he constantly got into fights in an effort to prove himself as something more than "just another face". He hated being unrecognized and after unlocking his powers went on a involuntary cold rampage of destruction. Officials found him underneath 50 pounds of snow with his skin blue from frostbite. One hour later, doctors checked on him and he was completely healthy and his bed was covered in a thin layer of ice. He was reported to be a mutant and was sent to the Academy. [/hider] [hider=Nate] Name: Nate "Shade" Drovan Appearance: Long Black Hair, Black skull shirt, black trip pants, black steel toe apocalypses boots, black Acolyte coat with hood(sometimes up), black acolyte gloves (always on) Personality: if you havent guessed by the clothes, he lived his life in the dark, always in shadow, alone, he wanted it, he wishes to be alone Ability: Control of the Shadows and Darkness, gives off a cold chill around him at all times but when controlling a shadow that shadow is freezing cold and when in control of darkness its so cold it seems lifeless Bio: Orphaned at a young age, he spent his life living in a abandoned house alone with other orphans that didnt want to go to an orphanage, eventually he started up a cult and was the leader of that cult, but eventually he had to flee, his mutation was discovered and he didnt want to suffer the same fate his parents did, he ran till he heard about the academy for people like him and ran to the academy, he hopes he can get enrolled, he wants acceptance, but at the same time he wants to be alone, but if there is someone out there like him that can help him, he has no choice, its better than the alternative. [/hider] [hider=Evie] Name: Laverna Evelynn Sif Nickname: Evie (added this) Age: 14 Appearance: [url=] Puhrty :D[/url] Personality: Evie is usually quite quiet, she is not very shy though, when she speaks she speaks in a very formal and rude tone, as if your life was straight up unimportant to her. Ability: Power over the Earth, can create vines and plants to hurt her enemies, or just simply create flowers. Bio: Laverna is a descendant of the old Norse God Sif, explaining her last name, she was blessed by her distant relative to have power over his domain: The Earth. Really, Laverna didn't want this power. She was terrified of it. She stayed inside her apartment all day, so she wouldn't have to be outside. Over time, she learned to accept and use this power for her own good. She made pretty flowers, and such outside her home, and she was happy. Sif provided his help to the child, he would speak to her. [i]Just try[/i] he would say, when she was afraid it would backfire and the plants would hurt her. Laverna didn't tell her mother anything about her power. In School, all Laverna would care about was her Latin class. Where her namesake, Laverna, was a Roman Goddess of Thievery and Cheats. She didn't think that represented her at all. Laverna started going by her middle name, “Evelynn” but people called her Evie. If she was very close to the person, she would allow them to call her Laverna. But then and only then. Several weeks after Laverna's 15th birthday., Laverna walked into her apartment and her mother looked at her with tears in her eyes, tears of joy no doubt. “You're special, honey, aren't you.” She said. Laverna's eyebrows furrowed “M-Mother?” Laverna's Mother handed her a brochure showing her the facility. Laverna was 100% excited, “M-Mother how did you know?” Her Mother replied “I watched you, you know. Now go, honey, go pack up. And get ready.” Laverna grabbed a whole bunch of stuff, her clothing for each day, check, her phone, check. She packed everything up, and got ready to leave. “Goodbye Mother!” and with that, she was gone. She made her way to the Facility, and stared up at it. She muttered “How nice.” and walked in. [/hider]