He was enjoying this too much. The more the Piper spoke about the 'tournament' the more almost excited he became about it. Morgan was no stranger to the blood and gore of real battles, and even a less of a stranger to the presence of intrigue of the kings, tyrants and other rulers across the continent, but that did not change her feelings about being used as a front to calm the nerves of men literally walking towards their deaths. As he finished his tale, Morgan could see that he was expecting a reaction from her. It was obviously that while the two knew [i]of[/i] each other, they were not fully aware of the other's personality, for Morgan was unaffected by the chilling story. She locked eyes with the Purple Piper, "Thank you for clearing up that confusion," she remarked in an almost business like tone, "now, let's get to the real reason that I am here." Standing tall and daring to look the Piper in the eyes, she continued, "We both know that I was not just called here to be a front for your little fake tournament, that was just an added bonus that my presence would allow."