Colonies: 'Reaf' and the King Corustarian Colonist are now attempting to grow a small amount of this crop for usage in trade later, though they are prioritising food. At the same time, the King Baba-Uti is announced as a friend of Corustaria and that he and his people are welcome in Corustarian territories at any time. The Corustarian army is somewhat wary of the native armies on the borders, but are not being aggressive Crash of the World Economy GDP Regenerated, available funds GDP (EFFECTED BY GLOBAL CRASH!): 60,750,000,000 Previous years remaining funds: 42,800,000,000 - 35 billion Upkeep = 7.8 billion Total available funds: 68,550,000,000 The Corustarian economy may have taken a hit, but in being state controlled it has certainly taken one of the least, and is now believed to be one of the largest economies in the world, with a GDP behind only the first place position by a mere 3.25 billion. The Corustarian government believes it will be able to propel it's self to first place if they recover quickly. There is a minor reduction in some area's of spending, resulting in the reforms of the army being halted to save money, while the nation has provided a 7 Billion slush fund for bailout funds for businesses or organisations that may be about to go under in an attempt to salvage the economy and build it back up before other countries can. LexBurg The 4800 Man Force of Corustarian Regulars marches into the City of LexBurg, having made several stops in villages along the way in efforts build a reputation with the locals after having achieved what they had played up to be one of the biggest military achievements ever seen on the continent. It seems that the numbers of the enemy do get exaggerated by the soldiers, but despite this the fact that they seemingly forced the dissolution of an entire rebel faction, it seems that morale has never been higher among the soldiers. After having entered the city, the General Norrington has rode at the front of his army. In silence they march, attempting to confer a sense of solidity and unity while heading towards the capital building of the city.