Jaerdi listened intently to the speech Tanya Carson gave. From the start he’d known this would be one of, if not [i]the[/i] most extreme job he had done so far, and he had to make sure he knew every detail. His eyes lit up at the mention of stealing a ship from Siame - grand theft starship was one of his favourite pastimes, as well as one of the jobs he often did on the side for a few extra credits and his usual means of procuring transport. He did have enough money to fly legally, or even own his own small ship, a shuttle or maybe a yacht, but it was just more fun to have a new ride every time he traveled. Sometimes he even put them back where he found them, though usually they suffered a fate similar to the shuttle he had used to get to Cartagena. As the speech wore on though, and especially once the other members of what seemed to be his new team started speaking, a rather disturbing trend began to present itself. It seemed that the most common motivation for the other criminals to undertake such a difficult mission was revenge of some sort. They were here because they’d let it get personal. That rang a great many warning bells in Jaerdi’s head, and for a moment he considered walking out of the room there and then, only stopping to once again count the zeros on the sum of credits he would receive on successful completion of the job. Grudgingly, he decided to stay. The people here may be acting on their feelings, but at least he knew that. Though Jaerdi couldn’t perfectly predict what they’d do because of their feelings, he at least knew in advance that people would be unpredictable and screw things up for whatever personal reasons they had. Despite that ‘little’ difficulty, Jaerdi had been considering his place in the operation from the moment he had heard the details. He had determined quickly that he didn’t want to be involved in the inevitably messy shootout that would occur on the hangar floor, even if it did mean he’d have to wait to get on the ship. That kind of engagement was not really his speciality, and there were many heavy hitting walking tanks in the room that would no doubt greatly enjoy the mess. No, Jaerdi’s task presented itself when the Turian information broker Sleuth stood and asked for an escort. Jaerdi had heard of Sleuth before, even dealt with him from time to time when he had some useful intel to sell. To some extent he admired the man for doing business in a largely impartial, businesslike manner, but Jaerdi also had a tendency to doubt everyone around him. Most people had weak points that would cause them to take things personally, though whether Sleuths presence here indicated that he had fallen prey to this or whether he was just here to make sure business continued as usual remained to be seen. Only once most of the others had chimed in, and he had chuckled at the blue Drells attempt to buy the team off with Krogan testicles, did Jaerdi speak his own mind. Rather than standing, like everyone else seemed to be doing, he remained seated comfortably and said, almost disinterestedly, “I’ll go with Sleuth.” He looked at the hunched over Turian “I can get you into the security hubs. I might even arrange a few mishaps for the locals along the way to keep C-Pat busy. Should be fun.” His voice was confident but he purposefully kept his wording vague. Wouldn’t want these people to know that he’d be improvising as he went.