Here I am. Just gonna repost this from the old thread~ Name: Sheridan Reinsberg Age: 14 Appearance: A pale, stout little boy with cloudy grey eyes that seem to suggest blindness but are actually part a side effect of demonic possession. Similarly, although his hair is red at the roots it loses color as it grows out, making it grey at the ends. Is usually bundled in warm clothing because his body temperature is consistently ten degrees below the the average, and while it doesn't effect his health he does feel cold all of the time. Mental illness: Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Insomnia, and Aspergers Ability: Psychic powers that include visualizing and communicating with the dead as well as rudimentary telekinesis that's limited to objects of a certain weight within a certain distance of him. Is pulled to negative energy like a magnet and usually senses bad intentions. Can summon minor demons at will to do things for him; more powerful demons require several days of concentration and meditation to summon and he's usually reluctant to try as they endanger himself and others. Bio: A door to hell contained within a human body, created when his mother was attacked by demons while pregnant. Several demons fused with the unborn child and permanently became part of him, changing his physiology so that to medical eyes he always appears to be partially dead. Beyond his cold body temperature, he also displays a slowed heartbeat, blood flow, and ability to heal from injuries. In a lot of ways, he's what you would expect from a 14 year old boy with Aspergers- with various quirks and habits and a strict daily routine- but in many other ways trauma that he has suffered from his nature has emotionally damaged him. He's been known to fly into rages at the drop of a hat because his ability to summon demons also runs the risk that a deceptive entity will try to possess him. Clearly, the danger these rages pose is exacerbated by his powers, which seem to grow stronger when he is emotional.