[IMG=http://i.imgur.com/4tPfdEL.jpg] [i]“In Boston, there are good guys and there are bad guys. Sometimes it takes more than a badge to tell the difference” – Traditional[/i] [b]The Story[/b] The scene is Boston, Massachusetts. Five times every three days another citizen is shot, stabbed or bludgeoned to death. At the centre of this storm of crime is the city’s newly minted major crimes unit. A small group of hard men and women who fight for whatever justice is possible in the deadly world that sits upon the streets of Beantown. The rising crime rate, coupled with the desperation of a mayor looking to take the governor’s seat, forces the hand of the Police Commissioner to use what little funding he has to create the Major Crimes Unit. Under the command of Major Edward O’Banion and small in size compared to other divisions, it is an eclectic mixture of rookies, veterans, careerists and mavericks from all over the varying police departments. Ranging from homicide detectives, desk sergeants and beat cops, this band of sworn peace keepers are now the first line of defence against the criminal element. They are the ones who can see the poetry in the meanest of streets. Far from perfect, many of the MCU have their own issues to deal with, ranging from alcoholism to adultery to skimming drug money. Many officers are broken down morally by the job of law enforcement and those in major crimes are no exception. Walk down the right back alley in Boston and you can find anything, walk down the right back alley and something else could find you… [b]The Short of It[/b] Set in a fictionalised version of Boston, MA that has been ravaged by crime, this is the story of a squad of sworn police officers dedicated to the protection of the city. Think a cross between The Wire, the Shield and a little Sin City. We would play as either the members of this unit, their loved ones or as other professionals such as those employed at local hospitals and law firms. Set out in an almost episodic fashion, as GM I will create “cases” for the police to investigate. Some cases may only last one “episode” others may span further. As much a character driven world as story driven, we would explore the personal lives of the extremely authentic and human characters we would be portraying. [b]The Lexicon[/b] The Lexicon is the unwritten rulebook of the major crimes unit. All detectives must follow these rules in order to be considered a “true and natural police” [hider=The Lexicon] 1. Everyone lies. Murderers lie because they have to; witnesses and other participants lie because they think they have to; everyone else lies for the sheer joy of it, and to uphold a general principle that under no circumstances do you provide accurate information to a cop. 2. The victim is killed once, but a crime scene can be murdered a thousand times. 3. The initial 10 or 12 hours after a murder are the most critical to the success of an investigation. 4. An innocent man left alone in an interrogation room will remain fully awake, rubbing his eyes, staring at the cubicle walls and scratching himself in dark, forbidden places. A guilty man left alone in an interrogation room goes to sleep. 5. It's good to be good; it's better to be lucky. 6. When a suspect is immediately identified in an assault case, the victim is sure to live. When no suspect has been identified, the victim will surely die. 7. First, they're red. Then they're green. Then they're black. (Referring to the colour of an open case on the board, the money that must be spent to investigate the case, and the colour of the solved murder as it is listed on the board) 8. In any case where there is no apparent suspect, the crime lab will produce no valuable evidence. In those cases where a suspect has already confessed and been identified by at least two eyewitnesses, the lab will give you print hits, fibre evidence, blood typings and a ballistic match. 9. To a jury, any doubt is reasonable; the better the case, the worse the jury; a good man is hard to find, but 12 of them, gathered together in one place, is a miracle. 10. There is too such a thing as a perfect murder. Always has been, and anyone who tries to prove otherwise merely proves himself naive and romantic, a fool who is ignorant of Rules 1 through 9. 11. Once a case is solved, the officer that cracked the case must buy a round of drinks for their colleague’s at O’Shaunessy’s Irish Bar[/hider] [b]Character Sheet[/b] (All character sheets must be sent to myself first) Appearance: (Real Image Please) Quote: (By/About or that sums up your character) Name: Nicknames: (If Applicable) Rank: (If Applicable) Age: Occupation: Years On: (How many years have they been on the force? If applicable) Place of Birth: Skills: (a short summary of your characters skills, I don’t want a bunch of badass sharpshooters or awesome drivers either, please try and be diverse) Personality & History: Extra: (anything you might want to add)