[i]That would be suitable too.[/i] Ryan said when the girl mentioned that her van is parked near and they can escape by that. The injured guy could barely walk, so she needed to be with him. Especially if they planned to go through the forest. But first, they needed to pack up everything they wanted to carry with them, as it was unlikely that they will revisit this place anytime soon. Ryan still had his backpack on him and that was all he needed. He knew he had to make a final stand to give time to the two to get to that van. Even though his morale wasn't at its highest, he still felt a strange sense of warmth in his heart. The fact that the girl called him a "knight" just added to it. Already turning back towards the creatures with his katana up, he stopped when he heard the guy telling him that he has guns and ammo in his bag. [i]"Why thank you! This will surely help..."[/i] he said and rushed to the bag, searching through it. The guy didn't lie, it had a few guns and plenty of ammo inside. Thinking about what would be best for the situation, he finally settled on the hunting rifle. [i]All right. This thing kicks like a mule and makes hell of a noise, but it punches hard and this is what matters now."[/i] he explained his decision to them. Knowing that he doesn't need to get up close and personal anymore, he stayed close to the pair and covered them from there. Taking careful aim before each shot, he did his best to keep his hands steady even in this moment of excitement and fear. Despite being lackluster for the first few shots, he managed to make most of the upcoming ones count. Soon enough, the girl called over to him, signalling that they were ready to go. [i]"Finally...let's move!"[/i] he responded.