[center]Poppy got out of her parents most precious car and said goodbye. [b]"Byebye."[/b] After waving goodbye, Poppy looked up. [b]"Huge."[/b] She mumbled, opening the door and entering the school. She stared at how the crowd of students rushed to the auditorium. [i]Tch.[/i] Poppy walked over to where the crowd was mostly at. Poppy pushed her small body in the crowd, [b]"This is one good thing to have a small body.."[/b] She mumbled to herself as she struggled to check the board. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for her name. [b]"Ah! Section B. There we go."[/b] After finding her name, she rushed out of the crowd and wondered off into the auditorium. Poppy watched as an old man entered the stage. She quickly looked around and finally found a seat she could use. [/center]